So I have been trying to talk my parents into coming to visit me... They won't! My dad hates Dallas, and there are just too many fun things to be doing in Gardendale, I guess....
I have so many things I need them to here.
My tree is broken...
Gracie needs to teach Nana the Hot Dog Dance...
I I desperately need my mom to take me shopping...
Poor pitiful Me!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Welcome Baby Addison!

Joey, Gracie and I could not be happier for our dear friends Jeff and Ashley.
Congratulations on your tiny blessing from God! I can't wait to hear about all of her firsts... her first smile, her first hiccup, and eventually first word...
Lots of Love!!
S. J. & G.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Blah Blah Blah....
Ok. So its been a month since I blogged. I don't think I will waste the time to catch anyone up on whats been going on during that month. I will just hit the high points.
Gracie got a new pair of shoes.
We went on vacation in Pagosa Springs, CO. It was beautiful. While we were there we had to take Gracie to the hospital. After lots of poking for an IV and a Barium Enima, she ended up being okay. It was awful!
We had Katy's baby shower! It turned out so cute!!
Other than that, it has been work, work, work!
It has been a busy month of just the regular mundane stuff.
For all of you who love to see pictures of my Gracie, here is a cute one. It was taken last week when we went bowling. Enjoy!!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Its Monday...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
I am so glad I took this picture. I took it last year. My dad took our family to a Cabin in Colorado for a week and Gracie fell in love with the piano there. We already knew she loved music. Its in her blood. I love music. My dad loves music and so did his dad. It is something that connects our souls to each other.
Well, when my sisters and I were little, we would sing the song Daddy's Hands at the top of our lungs. I don't know if we ever sounded good, but my dad always listened when we sang. We would stand on the hearth of the fireplace and act like it was our stage. We never had to beg him to be our audience, he was always there when we were singing.
Anyways, I am glad I took the picture. Not only because it is my dad playing the piano with my sweet Gracie, but because it is a picture of his hands. I love his hands. These hands held me when I was a baby. These hands held mine when he would walk me and my sisters to Sunday school. These hands wrapped around mine, when I was little, while he showed me how to hold a bat. These Hands taught me how to throw a softball, and took a beating as I grew older,stronger, and threw harder. He never complained, he was proud of the pain and would play catch with me for hours. These are the hands that held mine as he walked me down the isle and now, these same hands have held my tiny baby. I love his hands.
My dad's hands have carried me through my life, more than just working day and night to provide for my family. These hands have shielded and protected me from so much. They have been my stability, the source of my strength, and comfort threw lots of heartbreak. They worked to send me to private school, then college. I hope that my hands will, one day, do all this for my family. Thank you so much daddy! Happy father's Day!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Work! Work! Work!
The first two months that my store, The Fairytale Frog, was open, we were busy. Since school let out, the traffic has slowed some. At first, I was slightly concerned, but over the past few days I have taken the opportunity to create new things. Creating was the reason I wanted to open a store in the first place. I have always had a passion for art. I love to paint and have learned to sew, but college put a damper on my creative and artistic side. I was constantly busy with softball, friends, boyfriends, then wedding plans and trying to finally graduate. I never found the time to just sit and be inspired.
Well, I now have the time!! I have enjoyed it so much and I know that I am so blessed to have a job that allows me to be creative and do what I love! (I also love my job because i get to hold every baby that comes in!
So, I thought I would share a few pictures of the things i have been working on and am very proud of.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
My mom and I were talking this morning and she filled me in on everything that is going on at home. So many things happen at home and I have a difficult time with the fact that they all take place without me being there. {LOL! No. I do not think this world should revolve around me!}
I just thought I would share a few of them, because as I type this, I relize that this is "life".
My little sister, Katy, was put on bed rest this week. She is twentyfour weeks pregnant. Her doctor plans to start giving her the shots to develop the baby's lungs (just in case). I hate that I am not there for her. She is incredibly bored, laying in bed all day, worrying...
My grandma has Alzheimer's and is having a tough time with the fact that she can't drive because the doctors have finally taken her keys. She is in denial of the fact that she is ill, and is angry that we all are conspiring against her.
Hannah, my littlest sis, is over the moon in love with her new puppy, Patches. Hannah earned the new puppy after sleeping in her room for 30 nights. (we might have to bribe Gracie to do the same)
Holly is adapting well to having two babies. Jake is almost walking.
I miss living at home! I hate hearing about all the happenings everyday that I miss, but I am so happy living here in Rockwall. My store is here, Gracie's school (that she loves) is here, Joey's Job (that he loves) is here. I love the life that we have created Here.
I just thought I would share a few of them, because as I type this, I relize that this is "life".
My little sister, Katy, was put on bed rest this week. She is twentyfour weeks pregnant. Her doctor plans to start giving her the shots to develop the baby's lungs (just in case). I hate that I am not there for her. She is incredibly bored, laying in bed all day, worrying...
My grandma has Alzheimer's and is having a tough time with the fact that she can't drive because the doctors have finally taken her keys. She is in denial of the fact that she is ill, and is angry that we all are conspiring against her.
Hannah, my littlest sis, is over the moon in love with her new puppy, Patches. Hannah earned the new puppy after sleeping in her room for 30 nights. (we might have to bribe Gracie to do the same)
Holly is adapting well to having two babies. Jake is almost walking.
And I am missing all of this!
So, this Life, I guess...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby!
Friday, May 15, 2009
On Call = Lonely Nights
So, Joey has been on call for almost 2 weeks. I write this with melancholy fingers... Joey being on call is tough for us. It is so hard to be apart. I hate sleeping alone and it is tough on Gracie to not get to see her daddy before she goes to bed.
Joey is on call every third week, but often has to cover for the other residents when they are out of town or busy doing other things. Every time Joey is on call, I have a minor emotional breakdown! It is one whole week of bathing, feeding, playing, and parenting on my own. I have been blessed with a husband who helps, at least a little, where Gracie is concerned. He typically gives her a bath in the evenings while I take a few minutes to myself. These few minutes are much needed!! I often spend the time regrouping after all of our dinner ends up on the floor or all the dog food has been mixed with water and poured all over the couch. Needless to say, I need these bath time minutes!!
I am regretting typing all of this, I do know there are lots of women how lose their husbands for weeks, months, & even years at a time. I have an enormous amount of respect for them! I couldn't do it! I have been spoiled! God has given me a wonderful husband that has worked tirelessly to have a good job. It just sucks that that job interferes with our sleeping arrangements on occassion and infringes on my peaceful bathtime minutes! {oh I am rediculous!}
Okay, I am done venting!
Joey is on call every third week, but often has to cover for the other residents when they are out of town or busy doing other things. Every time Joey is on call, I have a minor emotional breakdown! It is one whole week of bathing, feeding, playing, and parenting on my own. I have been blessed with a husband who helps, at least a little, where Gracie is concerned. He typically gives her a bath in the evenings while I take a few minutes to myself. These few minutes are much needed!! I often spend the time regrouping after all of our dinner ends up on the floor or all the dog food has been mixed with water and poured all over the couch. Needless to say, I need these bath time minutes!!
I am regretting typing all of this, I do know there are lots of women how lose their husbands for weeks, months, & even years at a time. I have an enormous amount of respect for them! I couldn't do it! I have been spoiled! God has given me a wonderful husband that has worked tirelessly to have a good job. It just sucks that that job interferes with our sleeping arrangements on occassion and infringes on my peaceful bathtime minutes! {oh I am rediculous!}
Okay, I am done venting!
Monday, May 11, 2009
SO I am a little behind due to illness and travel, so I am going to post all the info I can in one blog.Here goes!!

First things first! Jaxson Evan Bartlett was born on May 7th!! He weighed 7lbs. 2 0z. He is a cutie!! I won't post pictures ( A. because I don't have any downloaded yet and B. because I will let Holly show her new baby to the world when she is ready.)
Ok Next thing!
Happy Birthday to My little sisters Hannah and Katy!!

Hannah turned 9 on May 6th!

Katy's Birthday was May 7th.
Happy Birthday to my favorite little sisters!!
and finally, Happy Mother's Day! I Love Mother's Day!! I spent mine with my favorite mommies on the planet! I love you mom, grandma, Holly and Katy!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Swine Flu...Seriously??
I am trapped in my house for seven days.... I feel awful!!...and when I say awful, I mean "I am praying that I don't die in my sleep" awful. I have the flu. I am waiting to hear if I have Swine Flu. You may ask, "How does she not know??" Well, the test takes 4 days to get back from the lab.
How about I start from the beginning. I went home to my mom's house for a baby shower two weeks ago. While I was there, I went across the street to take pictures of our neighbor in her prom dress. Well, her little sister had swine flu!! We didn't know it at the time, of course, but she eventually was diagnosed with it a few days later. A few days too late for me. You see, I went back to the neighbor's house the next day to get all the details about prom, and stayed for a few hours, giving swine flu plenty of time to infiltrate my weak body. BOOO! (My body isn't totally up to par when it comes to fighting of bacteria,viruses, or disease because I had mono in junior high.)
Anyway I went to the doctor on Thursday and they practically laughed at me when I demanded a swine flu test. The nurse went on and on about how it is limited in supply and how the test is quite painful....I didn't back down, I mean, Gracie could get it!! So, the gave me the test. The had to swab my nose.( but when i say they swabbed my nose, I mean they swabbed my brain via my nasal cavity. )The nurse was NOT lying about it being unpleasant.
Once the test was done and everyone knew I at least had the flu, the staff at the doctors office changed their tune. LOL! Every nurse that crossed my path wore a mask. They made me wear one too. So now I am in Quarantine. I can't leave my house for seven days. I am on Tamiflu (that kills swine flu), so is Gracie and Joey. Needless to say, we are all feeling like caged animals today. Joey can go back to work on Monday, Gracie can go back to school on Monday, but I am STUCK (and i still feel awful)!!
How about I start from the beginning. I went home to my mom's house for a baby shower two weeks ago. While I was there, I went across the street to take pictures of our neighbor in her prom dress. Well, her little sister had swine flu!! We didn't know it at the time, of course, but she eventually was diagnosed with it a few days later. A few days too late for me. You see, I went back to the neighbor's house the next day to get all the details about prom, and stayed for a few hours, giving swine flu plenty of time to infiltrate my weak body. BOOO! (My body isn't totally up to par when it comes to fighting of bacteria,viruses, or disease because I had mono in junior high.)
Anyway I went to the doctor on Thursday and they practically laughed at me when I demanded a swine flu test. The nurse went on and on about how it is limited in supply and how the test is quite painful....I didn't back down, I mean, Gracie could get it!! So, the gave me the test. The had to swab my nose.( but when i say they swabbed my nose, I mean they swabbed my brain via my nasal cavity. )The nurse was NOT lying about it being unpleasant.
Once the test was done and everyone knew I at least had the flu, the staff at the doctors office changed their tune. LOL! Every nurse that crossed my path wore a mask. They made me wear one too. So now I am in Quarantine. I can't leave my house for seven days. I am on Tamiflu (that kills swine flu), so is Gracie and Joey. Needless to say, we are all feeling like caged animals today. Joey can go back to work on Monday, Gracie can go back to school on Monday, but I am STUCK (and i still feel awful)!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Rainy Days....
It is raining here in Rockwall today. It is kinda giving me the blues... It is also a monday, which means it is slow at my store. I don't have much to talk about, except for the fact that I am putting off all the things I need to do today. We are having a phographer in the store to take pictures for our story coming out in a local magazine. I have to pick outfits for the little models who are coming to model the clothes and I am nervous about picking them on my own. I am not good a making decisions. I will post tomorrow about how the photo session went, but today I thought everyone might need a small dose of my Gracie.

So, here she is!! She is such a mess, and I love her so much!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Spring Has Sprung!
Its official, Spring has sprung! Everyone I know is pregnant, having a baby soon, or just had a baby. As I was driving down the road this morning, I noticed that all the animals I passed had babies. Baby horses, Baby cows, Baby birds, kittens, etc... you get the picture. Both my sisters, Holly and Katy, are pregnant. I type all of this with a bit of irritation, because you see, I am NOT pregnant!! I am suffering from BABY FEVER!!
Well, everyone else gets to share their baby news, so I have decided to let a few people in on mine. The Fairytale Frog is currently my new baby and until I am able to get a website, I plan to debut one item from my store each week. I will alternate boy & girl items every week so that no one thinks I am playing gender favorites.
Here is the first item:
I HEART This little bubble Romper! I hope you love it too!
Well, everyone else gets to share their baby news, so I have decided to let a few people in on mine. The Fairytale Frog is currently my new baby and until I am able to get a website, I plan to debut one item from my store each week. I will alternate boy & girl items every week so that no one thinks I am playing gender favorites.
Here is the first item:

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Poppin' In
Hey Everyone! I am blogging from my store today! YAY!! I will get pictures up soon. I have been so busy trying to get this place in tip top shape for opening day. It is finally just about ready, so I plan to open on Monday, April 6th. I just wanted to check in and tell everyone that I am still alive. I hope all is well!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Birthday MOM!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary! God has blessed me with two very amazing parents and I couldn't be prouder to call anyone else mom & dad. You have taught me that God is the foundation of marriage. You have taught me that marriage is about loving someone more than yourself. Thank you for that! Thank you for kissing each other in the kitchen and holding hands in public. I might have cringed when I was younger, but I have never doubted that you loved each other.
Thank you for sticking it out during the tougher times. Thank you for all the wonderful memories that we all cherish as a result of those "tougher times". You have always been the most supportive parents, supportive of each other and of all of us girls. My life wouldn't be as wonderful as it is if the two of you weren't in it!
I love you!

P.S. I hope Joey and I are as happy together in 29 years as you two are today!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Old & New Friends

B & Little B,
Gracie and I miss you very much! We wish you would come and visit us in Rockwall! We can't wait 'til we get to come home and play again!!
We Love you!!
S & G
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day ~ Saturday!!
Happy Valentine's Day!! I hope yours was as wonderful as mine! Joey, Gracie and I spent the day being loved up by our family. I love spending holidays with my family, they really know how to celebrate!
My mom and Joey had a few loose ends to tie up before our official V-Day started, so they ran into town, leaving me to watch the little girls (Gracie & Hannah). While mom and Joey were in town, Gracie, Hannah, and I took our time showering and getting dressed for the day. I must say, Gracie's outfit was the cutest I have ever seen!!
Once mom and Joey got back to the house, we all loaded up in the car to go have lunch at Abuelo's. We were to meet the rest of the family there. Abuelo's is my favorite restaurant, so it was a special treat to get to eat there. While we were there, we all exchanged cards and chocolates. Gracie was given a big, red sucker.
After lunch, Joey and I exchanged our gifts. He gave Gracie a big, stuffed frog.
He gave me a watch, chocolates, and a card that explained that he and I were going to be spending the evening at a movie of my choice, dinner of my choice, and an entire night at a hotel. He was sweet enough to plan for Gracie to stay with my mom, or if I wanted her with us overnight, she could come.

My Sweet Grandparents
My mom and Joey had a few loose ends to tie up before our official V-Day started, so they ran into town, leaving me to watch the little girls (Gracie & Hannah). While mom and Joey were in town, Gracie, Hannah, and I took our time showering and getting dressed for the day. I must say, Gracie's outfit was the cutest I have ever seen!!

We had a wonderful time! We saw the movie, He's Just Not That Into You!. It wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be. We had dinner at Rosa's, another of my favorite Mexican food restaurants, then we went to the hotel for luxurious night of sleep. I think it was the first time since before Gracie was born that I slept all night long!
It was a wonderful Day! I hope your day was just as sweet!
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