Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ski Bunnies??

Every year, the week after Christmas, my family takes a trip to Colorado. Normally, we spend the week in Pagosa Springs and ski at Wolf Creek, but this year we traveled to Durango. I love Durango! It is such a cute little town with great little shops, but we didn't shop this year. No, we didn't shop, we SKIED!
We stayed in a three story cabin propped up on the side of the mountain at Durango Ski resort ( it used to be called Purgatory). It was fabulous! We had to walk a very short distance (maybe 30 yards) to hop onto a ski run and ski all our hearts desired.
The weather was great! A few of you know that I do not blend well with cold weather, I hate to be cold, but the weather was gorgeous! It even got hot enought to ski without coats! A few of the snowboarder chicks wore only spaghetti strapped shirts! Needless to say, I didn't get cold.
The resort offers daycare for the little ones, so the entire family (minus Gracie & Jake) got to ski together. We had a great time and no one was hurt, atleast no one was hurt skiing.

Me & Holly on the ski lift

Katy & Dustin on the ski lift

Mom & Dad on the lift

While on our trip; Katy, Dustin, and I traveled over to the dark side! We attempted snowboarding. I was not fun! It was borderline torture! We took a private lesson and thought we had it figured out, so we set out on our own to conquer a green run. Much to our disappointment, we learned that we hadn't retained anything from our lesson when we all collided as we tried to exit the lift on our own as first time snowboarders. We were such a mess that the lift operator suggested that we take a lesson before we attempted to snowboard on our own. While still on the ground from our lift collision, trying helplessly to get up, we informed him that we had just finished a private lesson. He then suggested that we try skiing. So we went back to skiing. So, Snowboarding is tough and I am impressed with anyone who can do it!

Katy on her board

Note: There are no pictures of me on my snowboard since I couldn't seem to stay upright while on it.

P.S. Gracie was a cute little snow bunny!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Morning!

My little family had a very blessed Christmas this year even though we didn't get to spend it with my parents and sisters. As I previously posted, This was the first year for me to ever spend away from my family and it was tough! But not only did we survive it, we had a great day!
Gracie got a tricycle (amoung other things) from santa!

I hope all my readers had just as happy a Christmas as my family did!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I Need a Vacation!!

I just got back from my vacation. We went to Durango, Co for a week and it was fabulous (i wil post about it later), but upon my return I realized that I need another vacation. You see, my dear husband was home alone for the week since he couldn't take of work, and my house is a disaster.
I cleaned until the wee hours of the morning before I left, and I remember joey saying,"Sarah, you don't have to clean! I won't be home enought to make a mess! I can clean up after myself!" Then we actually had a small arguement about how I obviously think he is domestically retarded. (I don't, I just know that he never thinks about taking the trash out on pick up days or unloading the dishwasher before putting dirty stuff in it.)
Well, as soon as I stepped throught the door, I wanted to turn around and go get a hotel until he cleaned up his mess! It is an art form to him! How can anyone be so unorganized and make such a mess! Even my furniture had been move to different places. He says he needed to be more comfortable while watching football. UGH!!!
Back to life!!! So, I am ready for another vacation!