I am sure you all have seen this, but I was tagged on facebook by a few of my friends and since I rarely am on facebook, I decided to post mine in my blog. Plus, I thought this would be fun to post while I search for my camera. (sorry to all of you who only read my blog to look at pictures of Gracie!)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a blog with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 5 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
Here we go....
1. legally, my name is Sarah without the "H". On all of my legal documents the "h" was dropped due to an error on my birth certificate. It wasn't until I was in high school that I found out that someone mispelled my name a long time ago.
2. I named Gracie after a character in a book I read in 6th grade.
3. I read all magazines from back to front, not front to back like normal people.
4. I knew I would marry Joey on the first night I met him.
5. I have had the same cell phone number for 10 years.
6. I would much rather have a pap smear than have to give blood. I hate needles.
7. I am very particular about how clean my toilet is. I clean every two days or eveyday depending on how busy I am. (You never know wneh someone will be sick and need to throw up in you toilet. It would be awful if it weren't clean!)
8. I still watch Days of Our Lives everyday. I started watching when I was 12 and rarely miss a day. Thank God for DVR and the internet.
9. I am extremely clausterphobic and when I see a bunch of people crammed in a small vehicle, I have a small anxiety attack for them.
10. I hate donuts!
11. If I could be anything in the world, I would want to be a Pussycat Doll. I said this even before the tv show came out!!
12. Our refrigerator broke over the weekend and I am secretly thrilled because it gives us an excuse to eat out until it is fixed!
13. I love the shows One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Army wives, Greys Anatomy, Pirivate Practice, Secret life of an American Teenager, & etc. and am mildly depressed when a season is over.
14. I hate unloading the dishwasher!!
15. I miss playing softball! It gave me a reason to work out.
16. I suck at keeping up with friends! I wish I were better at it!
17. I best friends are my sisters and my mom!
18. I wish my best friend from elementary school were still my best friend! I think of her everyday!
19. I am one of those girls who thinks she can be friends with guys and it never be anything more than friends. ( My husband thinks that this is niave) is that how you spell it?
20. I love to paint but haven't been inspired in quite a while.
21. I get homesick alot! I have to get home every two weeks or so or I start to go crazy.
22. I hated living in Cleveland, but can't wait to go back to visit!
23. I often wish I had stayed in public school instead of moving to a private school when i was in 9th grade.
24. I can't wait to have another child! ( No I am not pregnant, but wish I was!)
25. I wish i could afford a cleaning lady!
Ok Ladies... Those are my 25 random facts! I am tagging Jessica Clarke, Holly Bartlett, Roxanne Spradlin, Beth Spradlin, & Natalie LaScola!!
Can't wait to read your 25 facts!!