Gracie taking her nap
This was a fun, but crazy time because I had to get myself ready, but also get little Gracie into her White dress. Needless to say, I was a little concerned about the damage my preciously, rambunctious, toddler could do to her beautiful white gown. There were Chick fil-A chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce in the dressing room for all of us to snack on along with a multitude of make- up bags for to her to get her little fingers into. So, I guess you could say that I was a little bit scatterbrained. Understandably so, I think.
Gracie singing into my make-up brush
Gracie putting on make-up
Craziness in the dressing room
Gracie's white dress
Once we were all beautified, all of the wedding party and family went into the Chapel to take pictures. This is the time that were were handed our flowers to keep up with. The were gorgeous flowers, in colors Gracie went crazy over. She loved them and wanted to pick them apart and eat them. She was also very excited to be awake, ( she woke up from a small cat nap as we arrived at the church), and have so many people to run back and forth to. Mommy had to run back and forth as well. I was a tired mommy be this time and was already ready for this event to be over. Luckily, Joey had just arrived in town, so he was able to help me corral our child as much as he could.

The Flowers

Gracie trying pull the flowers apart to eat them
It must be noted that Joey is often busy talking to friends and family about their ailments, and it is hard for him to step away when I need him. It is much easier for him to watch me out of the corner of his eye, pull my hair out as I run to the back of the church to grab Gracie before she knock over that oh so important Camera equipment. It would be absurd for him to try to excuse himself politely.
The Bridesmaids at picture time
Several other bridesmaids offered to take responsibility for the ring, but she insisted that I do it. She jammed the ring onto my thumb and said, "keep up with this! Don't lose it! Surely you can keep up with something for two hours."
"Fine. I will keep up with it."

Katy and my mom
While we waited in the dressing room, Katy was "banished" to the Bride's Room to spend time with my parents, pray,and collect her thoughts before the wedding started. I took this time to reapply some lip gloss and eat some chicken nuggets. Then I decided I should brush my teeth before I walk down the isle with chicken in my teeth. So, several of us girls went to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth, I decided I should "use the facilities" before the wedding started. I was in a hurry! The wedding party was lining up to start get the wedding started.
Katy wore boots under her dress
I was finishing up, and pulled up my panties. As I did so, the ring slipped off of my thumb!! Yes, it did! I will admit it, I said a few bad words as I didn't want to stick my hand into the dirty water to retrieve Dustin's wedding band. I bent forward to put my hand into the toilet and I heard a loud WOOSH, as the the very special ring that Katy picked out for the love of her life, flushed down the toilet and went sailing into the pipes below.

Dustin, The Groom
Of course, he did have a solution as to what to do. Although, several people offered to let us borrow their ring for the ceremony;he knew Katy wouldn't be satisfied with someone else's ring. So he sent Eric, Holly's Husband, on a wild goose chase to find a ring that Katy had bought him on a for Christmas a few years ago. Luckily, Eric didn't do as he was told. Instead, he and a friend of his drove a million miles an hour to the nearest mall and purchased a new ring. Then he drove just as fast to bring the ring to the church. Yay!! Eric saved the day.
While Eric went to find a ring, Someone broke the news to Katy that I flushed the ring down the toilet. She laughed!! The wedding coordinator explained to her that we could just borrow a ring for the ceremony. She refused!! She wanted to give Dustin his own ring. She then spoke to me and reassured me that she was totally happy and okay. Not mad at me in the least!! I kept sobbing!! I couldn't stop! She hugged me and I went back to the dressing room to fix my running make- up.
The Bownds
The wedding party lined up and the wedding started. It was amazing! I was so proud of my sister! She truly has grown up to be such a compassionate and forgiving person. Lucky for me!
IN your defense sarah... it was an AUTOMATIC flushing toilet, so you really had no choice of whether to reach in there and get it or not!
i agree dr. clarke!
sarah...gracie looks so not-so-baby- anymore in her little dress and strong interest in the makeup!! precious...all girl indeed!
You told the story GREAT! :-) Even knowing everything, I was still reading with a grin on my face.
I love you.
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