I sat infront of the telivision for hours, trying to wrap my mind aroud the devestation of what occurred. I wanted information! I needed to know what was going on. I remember feeling like it was so personal. Like I, personally, had been attacked.
I now understand that I was. All of America was touched personally by this attack on our country. My sense of safety was damaged forever in a matter of minutes. The world will never be the same. This day affected my future forever.
The afternoon of September 11th, 2001, I met the man who would eventually be my husband.
Our campus was shut down and we had to leave the dorms. My roomate and I had nowhere to go, since home was so far away for us. So, we went to her boyfriend's house. This is where I met Joey. He was the roommate to my roommate's boyfriend.
I will never forget seeing him for the first time. I was infatuated immediately! I thought he had the most gorgeous blue eyes. He melted my heart when he let me call my mom (long distance) from his land line. I was in love right then! While on the phone with my mom, I told her that I was going to marry this guy!! I was serious!
We started dating that day and got engaged one year later. We were engaged for 3 and a half years and were married.
Now, seven years after the day we met, the day is bittersweet for us. We pray for those devestated families of the people we lost that day, but at the same time, we try to remember the day for the blessings it brought to my husband and I.We are so blessed to have one another and such a wonderful life! And because of 9-11, we have a precious little girl that we can't imagine ever living without.

precious post of such a memorable day! I don't know that I knew that you and Joey met on 9.11
a picture of YOU!! i miss your face :)
you and joe are so lucky to have each other!
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