I am feeling the need to shout this from the roof top today.... Gracie is using her BIG girl potty!! Yayy! Of course we have just begun the potty training process and we do recognize that we have a ways to go, but she is trying!!! She Tee teed in the potty twice yesterday and once so far today!! I am so proud!!
Elmo is her favorite toilet reading material!!
GO GRACIE! Don't be like Adler! He thought the potty was the coolest thing at first and was using it up to 6 times a day! Now he thinks it's lame and says "No potty, diaper!" Keep up the good work! And you were a very cute chicken......
Sarah what is your method? I feel like we have been potty training forever and Hope gets it but wont tell me she needs to tete in the potty until she is going in her panties. Way to go Gracie!!!
WTG Gracie!!
Who doesn't like a little light Elmo reading on the potty!
Good Luck to you. I was sure that if there was somone you could pay to come and potty train your children I'd sign up for the service. We went cold turkey and were done in 3 days though so it wasn't too bad.
Go Gracie....we still have to celebrate and clap every time Ashlee goes and she's been potty trained 2 months.
oh!! your back to blogging!! and what a big girl you now have on your hands! go gracie go!
so would I , baby p=ssy is the best
she could pee on my face I will lick her clean
Gracie is about to be full of me if you know what I mean
Would rape her daily cumming in every hole
I'd record me raping that little bitch first is her tiny butt after 20 mins of that I'm gonna rape her pussy for3 hours and slam my hips against her buttcheeks leaving her breathless cuz my huge penis yeah she's my little bitch to fuck whenever and I'm a horny person so she will be full of cum every day my little sex bitch take my dick in your mouth, ass and pussy
Daddy I have a little sister age 5 you can use her whenever you want daddy also I’m F 12 if your interested
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Im interested
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