Thursday, December 4, 2008

Down the tubes

On our way out the door to go to the hospital!
Since everyone has been asking, I wanted to post about how well Gracie did on the day she had tubes put in her ears. Ofcourse, I planned to post about it while it was still a current event, but I ran out of time and energy. Please forgive me.

So, it all started the night before her surgery was to take place. I was a nervous wreck because Gracie couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight. For a grown person, this is no big deal. But for a toddler, this is forever. She drinks her sippy cup all night long. I typically have to get up around 4:30 in the morning to refill it so that she has something to sip on until she officially wakes up. Well, lets just say, it was a long night and we both cried ourselves to sleep several times, but we survived.

We were at the hospital at 6AM with bells on. Ready to get it over with and get some breakfast. I was very anxious, Joey was calm as a cucumber. Gracie was "hung-y"! The faith that Joey has in medicine was slightly baffeling to me that morning. He tried to be supportive when I cried and had a small panic attack as they took her from me. He teassured mr that she would be fine as she disappeared behind the swinging doors that led to wherever the O.R. was.

Gracie wasn't gone for more than five minutes when they came to get us.

We joined her in the recovery room, where she cried and wallowed her body around. She couldn't get comfortable and was very confused about where she was.

We took her to the car. She stopped crying once she was in the confines of her car seat. She recognized it and felt better as her anestesia wore off.

We drove across the street to McDon*ld's, got breakfast, and went home.

We all took a nap for a few hours, then Gracie woke up. It was as if nothing happened. She played with the dogs, took a bath, and went down early.

Putting tubes in Gracie's ears were the best thing we could have done! We are very happy with how well it all turned out.


Clarke said...

poor girl is all smiles... it's like inviting a puppy on a "car ride" to the vet. glad everyone's okay. and i can tell you from experience she won't remember a thing!

Gillie said...

I am glad all turned out so well but I am sure you were terrified to let her go in to surgery!